72395-4-0339123 Excitation system power module
ABB 72395-4-0339123 is an excitation system power module manufactured in the United States under the brand name ABB, item number 72395-4-0339123. The product has an operating voltage of 120V, an output frequency of 250Hz, a processing speed of 60μs, and 51 I/O points. It uses advanced technology, has the characteristics of high energy efficiency and high reliability, can ensure the stable operation of ABB excitation system.
The product can be used in ABB excitation systems to provide a stable power supply. In addition, it can also be used in intelligent buildings, Marine equipment control, wind power generation systems, municipal pumping stations, air conditioning and refrigeration systems and other fields to achieve optimal management and utilization of energy.
The following are related products of the ABB brand:
57120001-ETDSTA180 |
6007BG10000 |
DSBB110A57330001-Y |