07NG82 Procontic Power module
The ABB 07NG72 is a Procontic power module manufactured by ABB. The model of this product is 07 NG 72 GJR5215100R3, which belongs to the Procontic series. The specifications of the power module are 23V / 2A. In addition, the product is also called Procontic Power Supply, and its details and accessories are mentioned on different sales pages.
In summary, the ABB 07NG72 is a power supply device for industrial automation systems, manufactured by ABB with 28V / 2A voltage and current specifications, and belongs to the Procontic family of products.
The key features of ABB 07NG82 include:
Modular design: The device is available in a variety of models, such as the 07 KR 81 R202 and 07 KR 81 R252, which shows that it has flexible configuration options to adapt to different application needs.
Terminal block configuration: The device is equipped with terminal blocks of different poles, including 9 poles, 5 poles, and 3 extreme subblocks. This multi-pole configuration enables the device to connect and manage various types of sensors and actuators.
Diagnostic function: ABB Procontic 07NG82 has a diagnostic LED indicator, which is marked in English on the front panel. When the test button is pressed, the test procedure is repeated for all inputs/outputs (including combined inputs/outputs).
Information capture: The device is able to call information from the last channel, which may mean that it supports data logging and backtracking, which helps in troubleshooting and performance monitoring.
ABB 07NG82 is an intelligent control module with highly configurable, multifunctional terminal blocks and powerful diagnostic and information processing capabilities.
The following are related products of the ABB brand:
07EA61R1 |
07NG61R1 |
3HAC5518-1 |