07BT60R1 Control system module
The ABB 07BT60R1 is a control system module manufactured by ABB, the specific model is 07BT60R1 GJV3074301R1. The product has the following features:
Display function: The ability to display 127 messages plus 1 background message on a 16-character display with two lines.
Variable data embedding: Two variable data can be embedded in a message.
Buzzer activation: You can activate or disable the buzzer.
Front board key function: There is a key function on the front board.
Size and weight: The product measures 25.4×5.1×15.2 cm and weighs 0.3 kg.
The following are related products of the ABB brand:
DSMB 175 |
ACS6010043000E1200000 |
2002AZ10101A |