07BV60R1 Bus coupler module
The ABB 07BV60R1 is a bus coupler module manufactured by ABB. This product is mainly used for central I/O expansion and is suitable for ABB Procontic and ABB Procontic T200 systems. The model number is 07BV60R1 and the order number is GJV 20 733 40 R1. The module measures 10.0 “x 2.0” x 6.0 “and weighs 0.8 kg.
In addition, 07BV60R1 bus coupler modules are manufactured in Germany (DE), Spain (ES) and the United States (US). It belongs to ABB’s Industrial automation product category in the areas of PLCS, DCS, control systems and data transmission. The product is also available on the market in both old and new stock.
ABB 07BV60R1 is a bus coupler module specially designed for industrial automation systems with good compatibility and scalability.
In summary, the ABB 07BV60R1 is a powerful modular controller designed to increase the scalability and flexibility of industrial automation systems. It provides users with a reliable and efficient solution by supporting central I/O expansion and compatibility with the ABB Procontic family.
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