07PG201 Programmer module
The ABB 07PG201 is a programmer module in the Procontic K200 programmable logic controller (PLC) manufactured by ABB. The 07PG201 has eight transistor outputs, each consisting of a set of eight channels, with a reference potential of 24/25 terminals (the negative of the supply voltage). Also known as the Bailey Card, the 07PG201 is one of the underlying hardware for the AC 800M controller for the system 800xA and its associated communication and I/O options.
In summary, ABB 07PG201 is a powerful PLC programmer module for automation control systems that require high performance and reliability.
The field of application of ABB 07PG201 can be inferred from its product type and function. The ABB 07PG201 is part of ABB’s product range, which manufactures a wide range of electronic devices and components, including variable speed drives, DC drives, PLCS, and general automation accessories.
Although the specific application area is not directly mentioned, it is reasonable to assume that because it is manufactured by ABB, its application areas may be similar to other products of the company, namely industrial automation, power systems, electric vehicle charging stations, automotive battery management systems and other high-voltage or high-precision control applications.
Therefore, the ABB 07PG201 is likely to be used in industrial environments that require precise control and high reliability, such as power storage, electric vehicle charging facilities, and automotive battery management systems. These applications often require the use of high-quality electronic components to ensure the stability and safety of the system.
The following are related products of the ABB brand:
07EA61R1 |
07NG61R1 |
3HAC5518-1 |