3HAB5845-1 Processor module
The ABB 3HAB5845-1 is a processor with a wide range of applications. It can be used as a part of the DCS system to achieve centralized management and decentralized control, and complete a variety of specific control tasks.
Specific functions include:
Network composition: It can be used in industrial automation control systems as part of a programmable logic controller (PLC) network to form a simple network with other PLCS of the same model. It can be used as a master or slave station, connected to a large DCS (distributed control system) through a specific network interface as a DCS subnet. In addition, it can also participate in the manufacturer’s dedicated PLC communication network.
Processor features: The module is powered by the PM891, which is a single chip unit containing a microprocessor, RAM memory, real-time clock, LED indicator, INIT button and secure digital interface. The PM891 has two RJ45 Ethernet ports for connecting to the control network (CN1, CN2) and an isolated RJ45 serial port (COM4), which is commonly used for configuration tools. In addition, a Communication expansion bus (CEX-Bus) is installed on the module, on which redundant communication interfaces can be used.

The following are related products of the ABB brand:
3HAB2220-1 |
3HAB2236-1 |
3HAB2241-1 |
3HAB3365-001 |
3HAB3700-1 |
3HAB3700-1/1 |
3HAB3700-1/2 |
3HAB4044-1 |
3HAB4226-1 |
3HAB4259-1/5 |
3HAB4259-1/6 |