DS200SLCCG1AEF LAN communication board


DS200SLCCG1AEF LAN communication board

The GE DS200SLCCG1AEF is an industrial automation product manufactured by General Electric (GE), specifically a LAN (Local Area Network) communication board. Here are the details about the product:
Product overview
Make and model: GE/DS200SLCCG1AEF
Product category: LAN communication board
Series ownership: Mark V series driver board

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DS200SLCCG1AEF LAN communication board

The GE DS200SLCCG1AEF is an industrial automation product manufactured by General Electric (GE), specifically a LAN (Local Area Network) communication board. Here are the details about the product:
Product overview
Make and model: GE/DS200SLCCG1AEF
Product category: LAN communication board
Series ownership: Mark V series driver board
Main function
LAN communication interface: The card is installed on various drives and exciters of the ge series to provide the necessary LAN communication interface space for its host.
Signal processing: An integrated local Area Network control processor (LCP) processes and filters incoming signals.
Interface function: A dual-port RAM provides interface function between the LCP and the drive control board of the drive.

Technical parameter
Output frequency: 50HZHz (not specifically mentioned as directly related to the product, but can be used as a reference)
Current range: 100-400AA (This number may not be accurate, because AA is usually not a unit of current, but it may be a representation of some specific environment)
Voltage: 24V
Weight: 2KG
Network support
Network type: Supports DLAN and ARCNET networks.
Programming and storage
Programming data storage: The LCP’s programming data is stored in two onboard EPROM storage boxes.
Programmer interface: System Settings and diagnostics can be accessed through the programmer keyboard.
Additional information
Packaging and protection: The product packaging is intact and protected by anti-static plastic bags.
Installation and operation: Only the personnel qualified to install the card can operate the board.
Technical support: General Electric, the manufacturer of the device, initially provided technical support for the entire Mark V series.
Application field
It is mainly used in industrial automation systems, especially where LAN communication and precise signal processing are required.
Matters needing attention
All installation parameters should be checked before removing the motherboard from its packaging.
GE DS200SLCCG1AEF, as a LAN communication board, plays an important role in industrial automation systems, providing the necessary communication interface and signal processing functions for the equipment.

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