
05701-A-0302 Channel control card

05701-A-0302 Channel control card
The 05701-A-0302 is a single-channel control card that catalyzes A1, A2, and A3 gas alarms. The ability to receive specific types of input signals, such as analog or digital signals, and process these signals to perform various logical and algorithmic operations.

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05701-A-0302 Channel control card
The 05701-A-0302 is a single-channel control card that catalyzes A1, A2, and A3 gas alarms. The ability to receive specific types of input signals, such as analog or digital signals, and process these signals to perform various logical and algorithmic operations.
The control card can also generate control output signals that can be used to manipulate actuators, valves, motors, or other control devices to achieve the desired operation and control.
The control card is also equipped with a four-part LCD display, including analog display and digital display, for displaying various information. At the same time, the control card also has fault and suppression indications, as well as alarm reset and card selection buttons. Alarm set point resolution up to 1% fsd step size.

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