3BHB003387R0101 Integrated gate commutator thyristor
3BHB003387R0101 is an integrated gate commutator thyristor (IGCT) manufactured by ABB. IGCT is a semiconductor device for power control.
It has the following functions:
On/off control: The on and off control unit of the IGCT is an integral part of the assembly that requires only an external power supply, and its control function can be easily accessed via a fiber optic connection.
Low conduction loss: IGCT is optimized for low conduction loss, helping to reduce energy loss and increase efficiency.
Fast switching frequency: The typical on/off switching frequency of IGCT is in the 500 Hz range, but combined with the rapid transition of the device between the on and off states, short switching pulse clusters of up to 40 kHz can be achieved.
On-protection: IGCT requires a on-protection network (essentially an inductor) to limit the current rise rate to protect the device from excessive current damage.
Industrial applications: IGCT is commonly used in applications such as industrial and traction drives, variable frequency inverters and AC isolation switches for efficient power control and regulation.
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