The GTO chip is integrated with the anti-parallel diode and gate driver circuit, and then connected with its gate driver in a low inductance way at the periphery, combining the advantages of stable switching capability of transistors and low on-state losses of thyristors, giving the performance of thyristors in the on-state phase and the characteristics of transistors in the off-state phase. The IGCT is characterised by high current, high blocking voltage, high switching frequency, high reliability, compact structure, low conduction losses, low cost and high yield, and has a good application prospect. IGCTs have been used in power system grid devices (100MVA) and medium power industrial drives (5MW) and have been successfully applied in the field of medium voltage inverters.
Bridges between blocked or isolated circuits within a circuit, thus allowing current to flow and the circuit to fulfil its intended function.
PM851AK01 | 3BSE066485R1 |
PM856AK01 | 3BSE066490R1 |
PM858K01 | 3BSE082895R1 |
PM858K02 | 3BSE082896R1 |
PM860AK01 | 3BSE066495R1 |
PM862K01 | 3BSE076940R1 |
PM862K02 | 3BSE081636R1 |
PM866AK01 | 3BSE076939R1 |
PM866AK02 | 3BSE081637R1 |
PM891K01 | 3BSE053241R1 |
PM891K02 | 3BSE053242R1 |
SB822 | 3BSE018172R1 |
PM857K01 | 3BSE088385R1 |
PM857K02 | 3BSE088386R1 |
PM863K01 | 3BSE088381R1 |
PM863K02 | 3BSE088382R1 |
PM867K01 | 3BSE076355R1 |
PM867K02 | 3BSE081638R1 |
SM811K01 | 3BSE018173R1 |
SM812K01 | 3BSE072270R1 |
We do other brands: ABB, Allen-Bradley, Schneider, GE (General electric), Westinghouse, FANUC, Bently, KUKA, Foxboro, Triconex, Honeywell, YASKAWA, etc., if you need, you can contact me, look forward to your consultation.