3HAC038554-001 Power module
The 3HAC038554-001 is a power module. With regard to its functions, the product is commonly used to provide a stable power supply for other devices or modules in industrial automation systems.
Specifically, the ABB 3HAC038554-001 power module can be used with devices such as the SattLine 200 series, CPU80, SattCon 200 and Advant Controller 250, and is part of a complete family of various process applications. In addition, the PSU’s bus is compatible with the S200C series units and can be mixed with them in any order on the same DIN rail.
In industrial automation systems, ABB 3HAC038554-001 power modules can be centrally installed in a central system or remotely installed and interconnect with the controller via various fieldbuses. This makes it an integral part of industrial automation systems, providing stable and reliable power support for other devices or modules.

The following are related products of the ABB brand:
3HAC030124-001 |
3HAC032972-002 |
3HAC034204-002 |