IS220PVIBH1A Vibration monitor (PVIB) assembly

IS220PVIBH1A Vibration monitor (PVIB) assembly

The IS220PVIBH1A is a vibration monitor (PVIB) component developed by GE under the MarkVle control System.

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IS220PVIBH1A Vibration monitor (PVIB) assembly

The IS220PVIBH1A is a vibration monitor (PVIB) component developed by GE under the MarkVle control System.

It has a variety of features and functions:

Vibration monitoring: This component is capable of connecting one or two I/O Ethernet cables to the TVBA vibration terminal board for reading and processing vibration or proximity information. It can read this information from a variety of sensor types, such as approximators, integrated output accelerometers, speedometers, or seismic channels.
Sampling and processing: The high sampling rate allows for faster or more dynamic applications, while the internal processor board and acquisition board efficiently process and analyze information.
Multi-channel support: This module supports multiple channels for reading data from different types of sensors. Channels 1 to 8 can read vibration or approach information from approximators, integrated output accelerometers (1 to 3 channels only), speedometers, or seismic channels. While channels 9 to 12 only support approximators, channels 13 can input Keyphasor signal types or proximity signals.
Power supply: The IS220PVIBH1A has a dual RJ45 Ethernet port and 3-pin power input to power the components and support Ethernet communication at multiple frame rates.
Alarm and Communication function: It also has an alarm function that can trigger an alarm or notify the operator when a digital input signal for a specific condition is detected. In addition, the module is usually connected to a computer or control system through a communication interface (such as RS-232, RS-485, Ethernet, etc.) to transmit digitized input data.




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