IS220PVIBH1A Vibration Monitor (PVIB) package

IS220PVIBH1A Vibration Monitor (PVIB) package

The IS220PVIBH1A is a product manufactured by General Electric (GE) for vibration monitoring and control systems. Specifically, it is the Vibration Monitor (PVIB) package developed by GE under the Mark VIe Control System.

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IS220PVIBH1A Vibration Monitor (PVIB) package

The IS220PVIBH1A is a product manufactured by General Electric (GE) for vibration monitoring and control systems. Specifically, it is the Vibration Monitor (PVIB) package developed by GE under the Mark VIe Control System.


The following is a detailed description of IS220PVIBH1A:

The IS220PVIBH1A is a vibration monitor (PVIB) component that is connected to the TVBA vibration terminal board via one or two I/O Ethernet cables.
It uses a processor board, an acquisition board, and a child board to read and analyze vibration or proximity information from various sensors.
Supported sensor types include approximators, integrated output accelerometers, speedometers, or seismic channels.
Provides a dual RJ45 Ethernet port and 3-pin power input to power the components.
Multiple frame rates are supported on Ethernet, including 3.125, 625, 12.5, 25, 50, and 100 Hz.
Output can be directly connected to a matching terminal board connector via a DC-37 pin connector.
High reliability: Designed for continuous operation in harsh industrial environments, ensuring system stability and reliability.
Flexible configuration: Different sensor channels and parameter Settings can be configured as required.
Easy integration: Communicate and integrate with other systems and devices via Ethernet and standard I/O interfaces.
Real-time monitoring: It can monitor the vibration status of the equipment in real time, and provide timely alarms and notifications.
It is mainly used in vibration monitoring and control system of gas turbine, wind power, hydroelectric power and other equipment.
In industrial automation and process control systems, it is used to protect critical equipment from vibration damage and improve the safety and reliability of equipment.





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