
Shinkawa VM-5 Series VM-5W1 Dual Power Supply Instrument Rack

Shinkawa VM-5 Series VM-5W1 Dual Power Supply Instrument Rack

Designed to accommodate the VM-5Z Power Supply Unit. The VM-5 Series Monitor and VM-5Y Relay Module Unit mounts on astandard panel. This rack can accommodate one (1) VM-5P Communication/Phase Marker Unit, and up to ten (10) VM-5 SeriesMonitors with a VM-5Y Relay Module for each unit.A duplexes power supply is obtained by mounting two VM-5Z poweiSupply Unit.

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Shinkawa VM-5 Series VM-5W1 Dual Power Supply Instrument Rack

Designed to accommodate the VM-5Z Power Supply Unit. The VM-5 Series Monitor and VM-5Y Relay Module Unit mounts on astandard panel. This rack can accommodate one (1) VM-5P Communication/Phase Marker Unit, and up to ten (10) VM-5 SeriesMonitors with a VM-5Y Relay Module for each unit.A duplexes power supply is obtained by mounting two VM-5Z poweiSupply Unit.

VM-5W1 Dual Power Supply Instrument Rack



VM-5K Dual Vibration Monitor
Inputs signals from the FK’vK Series Vibration Transducers corresponding to 2 channels,Simultaneously provides 2 points of shaftnbration monitorina within one unit.

VM-5U Dual Seismic Monitor
Inpuls signals from the Cv Series VelocityTransducer corresponding to 2 channels.

Shinkawa VM-5 Series Monitor VM-5K/VM-5U Dual Vibration monitor

VM-5Y1,VM-5Y2,VM-5Y3 Relay Module Unit

These units are designed for use with VM-5 Series Monitors. Mounted on the rear panel ofthe VM-5H3 or VM-5W1 Instrument Rack, they output contact signals such as inputabnormal, alert and danger alarms for sequence control. Using 10mm-pitch two columnlarge-sized terminal block, there is no complicated wiring involved.

VM-5Y4,VM-5Y5,VM-5Y6 Relay Module Unit

These units are the connector type Relay Module. Mounted on the rear panel of the VM-5H3 orVM-5W1 Instrument Rack, VM-5Y4 and 6 can output the recorder output and alarm output signal,and VM-5Y5 can output the buffer output and alarm output signal through the D-sub connector.They also output contact signals of the sequence control for input abnormal, alert and dangeralarms from the terminal block. An arc suppressor (optional) absorbs the arc discharge betweencontacts to prevent damage to the internal circuits.

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VM-5P3 Phase Marker Unit
Accommodated in a VM-5H3 or VM-5W1 Instrument Rack, these units process phasemarker signals, and provide OK alarm contact output and internal power supply voltagefailure detection.

VM-53 Dual Communication Unit
This unit has two independent serial ports. While inserted in a relay module slot of theVM-5H3 or VM-5W1 instrument Rack, it collects static data in the rack by the Modbusprotocol and then sends it to an external host computer, in addition, as this unit can bedaisy chain-connected, it enables data collection from two or more racks.

VM-5Z1,VM-5Z2,VM-5Z3,VM-5Z4 Power Supply Unit
Provides DC power to each VM-5 Series unit mounted in the same instrument rack. Afault in the power supply is indicated by lighting of the power supply OK lamp and alarmcontact output.

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