TRICONEX 3625 Analog input/output module

TRICONEX 3625 Analog input/output module

The TRICONEX 3625 is an analog input/output module designed for industrial control systems with high reliability and stability.

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TRICONEX 3625 Analog input/output module

The TRICONEX 3625 is an analog input/output module designed for industrial control systems with high reliability and stability.

The product has the following main functions:

Analog input function: It can receive and collect analog signals sent by external devices or sensors, such as temperature, pressure, flow, etc., and measure and monitor them.
Analog output function: The processed analog signal can be sent to the actuator or other external devices for control and regulation of the relevant process or system.
High accuracy and reliability: The module usually has high precision analog signal acquisition and conversion capabilities to ensure accuracy and reliability.
Multi-channel input/output: Multiple analog input channels and analog output channels are provided to process multiple analog signals at the same time.
Programmability: Parameters can be set and functions can be customized through programming or configuration software to meet different application needs.
The TRICONEX 3625 module is used in a wide range of industries, including oil and gas, chemicals, and power, to provide accurate and reliable analog input and output signals for industrial control applications.

Keyswitch for System Control
The Main Chassis has a four-position
keyswitch which controls all the
chassis in the system. The keyswitch
setting is readable by Tricon control￾lers, TriStation 1131 software, and the
control programs. Switch settings are:
RUN—Normal operation with read￾only capability. The Main Processors

execute the previously-loaded control program. Attempts to modify program variables by TriStation 1131, Modbus masters, or external hosts are rejected. However, a control program may call gated access functions to enable external host writes during a designated window of time. PROGRAM—For program loading and checkout. Allows control of the Tricon system from the TriStation 1131 plat￾form, including Download All and Download Changes. Also allows writes to program variables by external hosts. STOP—Stops reading inputs, forces non-retentive digital and analog outputs to 0, and halts the control program. (Retentive outputs retain the value they had before the keyswitch was turned to Stop.) The Stop setting can be used for installation and service of process￾related equipment, but is not required for service of the Tricon. REMOTE—Allows writes to program variables by TriStation 1131 and external hosts. (Download All and Download Changes by TriStation 1131 are not allowed.) Modification of program logic is not allowed. Keyswitch for System Control The Main Chassis has a four-position keyswitch which controls all the chassis in the system. The keyswitch setting is readable by Tricon control￾lers, TriStation 1131 software, and the control programs.

Here are the relevant TRICONEX models:

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