Company News

Xiamen Xiongba helps Long Yan Changting Concentric Primary School


A reunion that seems to have been delayed by “a year”

An anticipation of being more than 300 km apart

A heart-to-heart reunion of nearly 100 people

After the epidemic, spring is in full bloom

All the delays were due to good things happening

All the waiting for a more successful present

In order to take practical action to care for the children and for the staff and the company to practise corporate social responsibility together, Liu Xiangwen, the general manager of Xiongba Electronics, decided to change the company’s 2022 tailgate into a New Year’s Eve party with the children in the school’s care. After almost a month of intensive preparations, both parties were affected by the epidemic and plans for the New Year’s Eve party had to be put on hold.

Despite the epidemic, the staff of Xiamen Xiongba Electronics kept the party in mind and immediately contacted the school to restart preparations for the party after the epidemic subsided at the end of January.

On February 19, 2023, a group of 53 people from Xiamen Xiongba Electronics drove for four hours to the Concentric School, and together with the children of the Concentric School, they started the long-awaited reunion with a pre-dinner thanksgiving ritual rich in Concentric characteristics.

After listening to the introduction of the school and the children by Principal Shi of Concentric School, General Manager Liu Xiangwen was deeply moved and excitedly said, “We will definitely insist on participating in the public welfare of Concentric School!” At the party, he also sincerely shared with the children his own experience of dropping out of school due to poverty and going out to work when he was young, and encouraged them with his own experience of difficulties and success today: “Difficulties are temporary, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will definitely have your own achievements!”

Along with all the staff of Xiamen Xiongba Electronics, they also came to Concentric School with donated materials that were carefully selected by them after communicating with the school teachers and were suitable for the children. Looking at the brand new tables and chairs, dinner plates, pillows and towels, hangers and other living materials, the children were so happy that their eyes were all smiles.

The donation of 51,200 RMB was a relay of love from nearly 100 people, with Xiongba Electronics taking the company as an example and calling on all staff to participate.

In addition to the luncheon and donation, Xiamen Xiongba Electronics also brought a well-rehearsed program for the children. The multi-talented brothers and sisters performed wonderful dances, songs and recitations for the children, the children volunteered to take all the visiting brothers and sisters to learn the healthy Zen beat exercise together, the magical rhythm lit up the whole audience, and the children also rehearsed the sign language song “Because of you because of me” after school to express their gratitude to all the visitors~.

Thank you for your heartfelt companionship

The chill of spring is dispelled by love

A day of joy is short

A hundred days of anticipation is a thousand dollars

I’m sure there will be countless more meetings

In the long days ahead


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